
Seguridad Alimentaria



Grupo de Trabajo




El proyecto de Bioregión Sostenible Canarias avanza con el tercer encuentro sobre Soberanía Alimentaria que organizaron Veterinarios son Fronteras, a nivel de archipiélago, el primer fin de semana de noviembre en La Palma. Con presentaciones sobre el estado de nuestro sector ganadero, sociología alimentaria, remedios populares, "slow food", visitas a granjas ecológicas por el día y películas por la noche, se lanzó una nueva plataforma para la Soberanía Alimentaria a nivel de islas, con el compromiso de reuniones semestrales. La próxima en Fuerteventura, para más información eduvetgarafia(arroba)hotmail(punto)com


Otro grupo en Canarias:


Desafíos / Investigaciones





Otro grupo de trabajo: Acuacultura


Tagasaste y bovinos




Kusa Seeds Ancient Cereal Grains


Our Mission Statement

The purpose of The Kusa Seed Society is to increase humanity’s knowledge and understanding

of a very ancient relationship ­ the relationship connecting humanity with the edible seedcrops.


The precious edible seeds of the earth ­ the cereal grains, grain-legumes, oilseeds and other precious edible seeds ­ have a history of small-scale cultivation and utilization which dates back more than 10,000 years.


The purpose of The Kusa Seed Society is to educate about this relationship connecting humanity and the seeds, with a modern voice.




Healthy Corner Store email group

There is a community food security group working to get fresh local food into neighborhood corner stores.

I thought this might be another resource for people doing intensive urban gardening.

Wouldn't it be cool if lots of neighbors grew food for themselves and their neighborhood corner shop?

To subscribe to this group, send email to

For more options, visit this group at








Global Mind Change

(an edited transcript from the Global Mind Change meme)


There’s no way in the world that we can have national security unless everybody else in the world has national security as well. Because we’re not going to forget how to make nuclear weapons even if we do decide to dismantle the ones we have.

And so then you have to think about national and global security.


And then you realize that nobody feels secure when they don’t know where their meal is coming from tomorrow.

So you can’t separate security from the problems of poverty and hunger.

And you certainly can’t separate security from the problem of environmental deterioration and impacting the life support systems of the planet.


And that necessitates a total other change in attitude with regard to our relationship to the planet.

So all of these things are interconnected in such a way that there’s no solution to one problem, national security or any other, there’s no solution to one problem without a solution to them all together.


And at first glance that might seem to make the problems much harder and the situation much more complex.

On the contrary it really doesn’t because what is says is what we need one fundamental global mind change and all of the problems become much more solvable than they were before.


And I think that’s what we are some how being intuitively led to.